COURSE DESCRIPTION (For a class size of 12)
This course is to provide the learners with the detailed knowledge to safeguard children and young people in the workplace. The course will enable candidates to Understand the role of safeguarding children and young people in England and Wales; Understand the different types of abuse and how to recognise them; Understand the key principles of legislation which protects children and young people in England and Wales; Understand the process for reporting suspected child abuse. The course is for a whole day backed with loads of activities, videos and case studies.
Upon completion delegates will gain knowledge, skills and understanding on safeguarding children up to level 3 standard. They will also receive certificate of attendance which is valid for 3 years.
- Aims and Learning Outcome
- Legal Framework and National Guidelines
- Professional Roles and accountability
- Statistics of Child Abuse in UK
- Definition of Terms-Significant Harm, Safeguarding
- Parental Responsibility
- Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and their Families
- Working Together to Safeguard Children
- Safeguarding key principles
- Safeguarding & Promoting Welfare
- Interagency and Multiagency Interaction
- Types of Child Abuse
- Recognising Abuse
- Influences for Change
- Child in Need/Child Protection
- Safeguarding and Promoting Children Welfare
- Practice examples of Working Together to Safeguard Children
- Assessment Framework Triangle
- Best Practice
- The Serious Care Review (SCR)
- Whistle Blowing
- Responding and Making Referrals
- Recordkeeping and Documentation
- Monitoring , Reviewing and Practice Audit Tool
- Case Exercises